
Showing posts from 2023

New artist book – Ai piedi degl alberi

New artist book just arrived: Ai piedi degli alberi , Giulia Napoleone and Osvaldo Coluccino, art print by Sergi Pandolfini, Il Bulino, Rome 2023. Details and photos here

New concert – Bologna Festival

Next concert, Jan Michiels performs  Stanze  2, 3, 9, 12 at Bologna Festival 2023. Music by Chopin, Debussy, Ligeti, Coluccino:  read here  

New book – Cieli d’assenzio

After 36 years, the first collection of poems managed to come to light, Cieli d'assenzio , poemetti (1987-1989), with an introduction by an academic critic, Giovanni Tesio, and with a historical publisher, Carabba:  on Mondandori   on Feltrinelli   on IBS

New exhibition – Festivalfilosofia, Poletti Art Library

Two artist books with unpublished poems by Osvaldo Coluccino and original works by Giulia Napoleone exhibited at the Festival Filosofia di Modena – “ parola ”: Ai piedi degli alberi (Il Bulino, Roma, September 2023, forthcoming publication) and Fontana (Pulcinoelefante, Osnago 2022), in the exhibition  Il corpo della parola – i libri di Giulia Napoleone , curated by Paolo Tinti, Modena, Palazzo dei Musei, Luigi Poletti civic library of art and architecture, University of Bologna, inauguration 15 September at 18.00:  read here

New portrait – MusiKTexte, and news summer 2023

Portrait of Osvaldo Coluccino, written by Reinhard Ermen: Fortsetzung der Poesie mit anderen Mitteln – der italienischen Komponisten Osvaldo Coluccino , in MusikTexte, n. 177/178, Köln, Mai 2023 (you can read a long excerpt within this website in the “critical fragments”, in German, English, Italian):  author  /  magazine Serata dedicata alla poesia di Osvaldo Coluccino, presentata e letta da Giulia Napoleone e Gilberto Isella, a cura di Loredana Müller. E in esposizione suoi 3 libri d'artista. Areapangeart, Bellinzona, 12 giugno 2023, ore 19:  leggi qui Exhibition with three artist books Fontana, Una eco and Essenze assenze with works by Giulia Napoleone and poems by Osvaldo Coluccino, and with a new work by the artist inspired by two verses by the poet. Pietra Carta exhibition, Areapangeart, Bellinzona, from 17 April to 30 June 2023:  read here A list of musical references for 2022, by Ettore Garzia in “Percorsi Musicali”, 31.12.2022:  read here

New artist book – Canto del risveglio

New artist book,  Canto del risveglio,  2 poems from the unpublished book  Cieli d'assenzio  (1987-1989) by Osvaldo Coluccino,  original works of art by Alfonso Filieri (2022), Archivio Orolontano, Roma 2022. See details and photos here on my website:  artist books