News, winter-spring 2021

Review of the book Scomparsa , by Benedetta Caia, L'indice dei Libri, Turin, March 2021: read here (it’s not free) Radio program with three pieces from the album Absum , in program Iz močvirja zvokov (“ From the swamp of sound s”), hosted by Primož Trdan, ARS, Radio Slovenija, Ljubljana, 14.04.2021. With podcast : listen here Interview with László Juhász, April 2021: read here Disc with Prima stanza for piano (2004), RAI Trade ed., by Ilaria Baldaccini, in Notturni , various composers, recorded at Certosa di Firenze, EMA Vinci records, Firenze, May 2021: listen here Radio program with the whole album Absum , in program No Wave , hosted by Tóth Pál, Tilos Rádió, Budapest, May 30, 2021. With podcast : listen here Review of the disc Absum , by Massimo Ricci, in Touching Extremes, May 31, 2021: read here Concert with Prima stanza for piano, by Ilaria Baldaccini, in program Notturni , Festival NoMus...