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New disc – Interni, and News summer-autumn 2019
- Osvaldo Coluccino, Interni, for flute (2017-2018), Roberto Fabbriciani flutes, disc released by Kairos, Vienna, August 2019: read here

- Review of the poetry book Gamete, by Giuseppe Possa, in “La scintilla”: read here
- Radio broadcast with Sesto interno, for contrabass flute, bass flute and electronics, program “Le concert a 20h”, hosted by Arnaud Merlin, France Musique-Radio France, September 11, 2019 at 8:00 pm: read and listen here
- Review of the CD Interni, by Ettore Garzia in “Percorsi Musicali”: read here (it is not free)
- New video. Remembering the acousmatic concert with the whole album Neuma q at Egyptiam Museum of Turin, February 22, 2010: listen here
- Radio broadcast with Terzo interno, for alto flute, program “Rückblick, Vorschau und aktuelle Veröffentlichungen”, hosted by Astrid Schwarz, ORF-Oe1, October 9, 2019 at 11:50 pm: read and listen here
- Review of the CD Interni, by Piotr Strzemieczny, in “Fyh!” (Polonia), October 2019 (see transaltions in “critical fragmentes” e “frammenti critici”): read here
- Review of the CD Interni, by Angelo Foletto, in “Repubblica – Robinson” (Italy), 9/11/2019.
- Review of the CD Emblema, by Bernard Vincken, in “Clic Musique!” (France), October 2019: read here
- Review of the CD Interni, by Bernard Vincken, in “Clic Musique!” (France), November 2019: read here
- Review of the CD Interni, by Daniel Barbiero, in “Avant Music News” (USA), November 2019: read here
- Review of the CD Emblema, by Paolo Petazzi, in “Classic Voice” (Italy), November 2019: read here
- Radio broadcast with Sesto interno, for contrabass flute, bass flute and electronics, program “Le concert a 20h”, hosted by Luka T. Zagoričnik, Radio Študent Ljubljana, September 12.12, 2019 at 11:00 pm: listen here
- Mario Gamba, Top Five 2019, in “Il Manifesto-Alias”, November 22, 2019: read here
- Ettore Garzia, The best of 2019, in “Percorsi Musicali”, December 30, 2019: read here