News, summer-autumn 2018

  • Concert with Scomparsa (2007) for 6 voices (soprano, mezzo-soprano, countertenor, tenor, 2 basses), performed by Exaudi Vocal Ensemble, director James Weeks, Asnières-sur-Oise (Paris), Festival de Royaumont, Abbaye de Royaumont, September 9, 2018. Coproduction Ircam-Centre Pompidou: read here
    The text is taken from a scene in a tragedy in verse, from the not yet published book with all theater works Osvaldo Coluccino Scomparsa (1991), pages 140: read here
  • Interview with Ismael José González Cabral on “El Correo de Andalucia", Sevilla, August 30, 2018: read here 
  • Radio program with Emblema 7 on the German National Radio, Kulturradio rbb in Berlin, hosted by Andreas Göbel, September 10, 2018, at 9:04 pm: read and listen here
  • Concert with Terza stanza, Quarta stanza, Quinta stanza, Decima stanza, Dodicesima stanzaFabrizio Ottaviucci piano, Festival di Musica Contemporanea Italiana, VIII, Area Sismica, November 25, 2018: read here
  • Three reviews about that concert at Festival de Royaumont: Michèle Tosi, Dedans, déhors à l’Abbaye de Royaumont, in “ResMusica – Musique classique et danse”, Paris, 14.9.2018; Charles Arden, Amours éternelles, espaces magiques au Festival de Royaumont, in “Ôlyrix – Tout l'Opera est là”, Nogent-sur-Marne, 14.9.2018; Gilles Charlassier, Création mondiale d’Heave de Sivan Eldar. Les ensembles Exaudi et Meitar jouent Coluccino, Cengiz Eren, Elkana, Fedele, Hurel, Lanza, Leroux et Pagliei, in “Anaclase – la musique au jour le jour”, Paris, 26.10.2018: read here (ResMusica)read here (Olyrix)read here (Anaclase)
  • Two reviews for the concert in Forlì, by Paolo Carradori, on “Il Giornale della Musica” 29.11.2018, e by Mario Gamba on “Il Manifesto 4.12.2018: read here (Il Giornale della Musica)read here (Il Manifesto)
  • The album Emblema in the list of the most fascinating works of 2018, by Ettore Garzia in “Percorsi Musicali”: read here (Percorsi Musicali), and in the list Best of 2018: Composer Portrait CDs, by Christian Carey, in “Sequenza 21”: read here (Sequenza 21)
  • Three reviews of the album Emblema (Kairos), by Liam Cagney in “Gramophone”, November 2018, by Christian Carey (see above) in “Sequenza 21” December 2018 and Mario Biserni in “Sands-zine” December 2018: read here (Gramophone, it is not free)read here (Sands-zine)
  • Radio program with "Scomparsa", on France Musique – Radio France, hosted by Clémont Rochefort, January 8, 2019, at 8:00 pm: read here

Abbaye de Royaumont
Abbaye de Royaumont

Ircam - Centre Pompidou